Upcoming events
The events take place in our Love²Arts Gallery unless otherwise specified.
Christmas Event
Romantic chamber music concert and Korean buffet on December 21, 2024.
Yena Lee and friends
New Year's concert by Yena Lee and friends on January 4, 2025.
Alba Mayorga Rodrigo, Nicolas Dupont & Marco Mantovani
"Classical Crossroads" — Concert by Alba Mayorga Rodrigo, Nicolas Dupont and Marco Mantovani on January 18, 2025.
Previously this season:
Korean Singers "Una Voce"
Concert by Korean Singers "Una Voce" on December 14, 2024.
Gary Jankowski's voice class
"Songs our mothers taught us" — Folk song concert by the voice class of Gary Jankowski on December 3, 2024.
Marc Matthys
"Nostalgia @ the Movies" — Concert by Marc Matthys